Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Historic Win

A historic Win by India sweeping the Aussies by 2-0 in the test series. Should this be called a great show by the Indians, or a surrender by the not so confident Australian side or just a charm of the wonderful performances by Sachin and Pujara.


  1. This success can not be said as the success of a single person it was the collective effort of every one which result in great success

  2. Well said Deep. But yes we should accept this fact that there are always a few heroes that shine in any victory, be it war or game.

  3. India team is playing very well and winning it wins of all Indian

  4. It was excellent performance by all the team member it will help in ODI it is not a individual win. it is group win...And defiantly India will also break the ego of Kangaroo in ODI series..........

  5. This was really one of the best moment for Indian cricket team. Indian team is playing very well...and this is a good sign for India for World cup 2011........Keep it up....!!!
